Saturday, July 12, 2008

What kind of drugs am I on?

Right, about last week. I'm clearly hallucinating some of my work outs. Monday HAD to be a rest day because I worked too hard during the weekend, including Friday. Wednesday I was feeling very sick, and I might have dreamed about 10 miles, but I doubt I ran them. The rest of it is right, I think. From now on, I'm either posting every day or at least using dates.
So today I just ran a very, very HOT 5 miles (as I was supposed to). I didn't get started until around 9:30 because I just could not get myself out of bed early. I've got to start using Friday as rest days and sleep in before work, so I can get up early on Saturdays. Most of the reason I ran just the 5 was because it is just too hot to do any more!
I am now deciding between lifting weight here or walking to the gym.

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