Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Half way into week 4

After my last post on the 12th, I did go to the gym to lift weights. Sunday 13th I ran 6.5 miles (6 was what was indicated. That week (week 3) was to be a step back week, and seeing as I mostly ran in my mind, I did indeed step back.
Now Week 4 was to start (as always) with cross training on Monday 14th. Instead, I rested. Sunday was a tough day in ways that don't relate to running at all.
Tuesday 15th I ran around 4.5 miles (3 were indicated). I also lifted weights at home, plus the rolling thing.
Today, Wednesday 16th it was 7 miles (6 were indicated).
It may seem like I'm running too much, but again, considering how I used to run pre-injury, this is pretty tame. I mean to sort of stick to shorter runs during the week until I'm fully healed. I also plan to start resting on Fridays and cross training on Mondays.
This week's long run is 11 miles. I might try to go up to 12, my old standard.

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