Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Let's get back to it.

In the time between that last post and now, I've run two more marathons.  All in all, 4 MCMs.  This year, it is Richmond, which is much hillier.  Also, I'm totally out of shape.  With any luck, keeping this blog updated will lead to a better training plan.  Training officially begins the week of July 9th and ends on November 10th, the day of the marathon.

Today I'm at around 138 flabby lbs, which is at least 20 lbs too heavy compared to my lean version on my first marathon in 2008 when I believe I was at 115 with a goodly amount of musculature.

I've been running an average of 20 miles or less a week for the past few of months, with some exceptions.  The first week of training has 24 miles in it. 

Today there will be no run, as I don't feel very steady on my feet due to a bit of vertigo that wants to hit me.  Starting tomorrow, I'm going back to a normal schedule which should seamlessly lead to that first cross train of Monday July 9th.