Monday, July 28, 2008

Long Runs?

According to me, I ran 12 miles on Friday, 6 on Saturday. Because of other things I had to do and the fact that my foot is rather sore, I took yesterday and today completely off. I'll get back on track tomorrow, running and weight training.

I tried tracking my path the other day and it turns out that I might not be running as far as I thought. Thing is, the path is not actually showing in the site I was using, so I'm not sure, but I might be off by as much as two miles. The pedometers I've used have all been cheap GNC ones, but the time I spent outside seems right for around a 10 min mile. I might be running much slower and less than I thought. I've bought a new pedometer to make sure. In the mean time, I'll go on as before.

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