Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Hardest Week So Far

This week will culminate with a whopping 17 miles on Sunday (and 18 the next week). As I was saying, I feel that my good work last week is preparing me mentally and physically for what is to come. My foot has not been hurting after work outs and I am still being very careful with it. I have however, noticed that my speed is catching back up.
Due to strange mood problems and sleeping habits, I totally skipped Monday's cross training. Tuesday I did a good 4 miles, which, considering how beautiful the morning was, left me wanting more. This morning I ran about 9 miles, this is at least a mile over what was indicated, but as I said, great weather and all, plus I feel that pushing a bit this early in the week might help with what's to come.
Tomorrow I plan to listen to my training guide and do an easy, comfortable 4 miles followed by rest and then the big 8/17 c0mbo. I might get some cross training in, but if I do, it will be rather mild. I want to be rested and ready for what's to come.
I'm almost there!

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