Sunday, September 7, 2008

I ran a marathon over the weekend.

Well, sort of. In two days. I'm skipping taking about my midweek runs because I didn't do many, due to a sore ankle and an ugly cold. Yesterday it was raining rather hard, so I ended up running on my treadmill for 8 miles, quite at pace, and I have to say, it rather took it out of me, but although boring to stare out of the window instead of running outside, it was good to know for sure I was running at pace.
Today was an 18 miler, and I still need to finish them faster. Mostly I need stamina to finish if not very strong, at least still running. The run was really pretty and up until mile 15 or a little before, I was doing quite well, but then my ass and my hips started paining me quite a bit and I ended up walking for, I would say, about a mile and a half, perhaps two of the last bit, which put on the minutes. I finished in just under 4 hours, and I was really hoping to finish in 3:20 or so. But I'll get there, I hope. Oh, and I know gmaps pedometer says something like 11 miles, but that's because they are being weird with the there and back function, but trust me. I ran 9 miles each way.
Easy week next week, and I hope to find some time to be social too.

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