Friday, July 11, 2008

Quick update

Seeing as this is merely a training tool for my own use, I really should post more often to keep track of my runs before I forget. I was supposed to:
Mon: cross train
Tues: 3 miles
Weds: 5 miles
Thurs: 3 miles
Friday: rest
With some strength training in there. This is what happendded
M: cross for about 1.5 hours (weight lifting)
Tue: (I forget, see the problem?) But I think I didn't do much past the three miles and I can't remember if I lifted weights, but I think I ran 4 miles and lifted dumb bells at home, plus the rolling thing
Weds: 10 miles
Thurs: 3.5 very tough miles (I've been sick and my stomach wasn't happy I was running) plus some gym weight lifting
Friday: 8 miles.
I plan to stay close to the recommended long runs this weekend, because I'm afraid I'm overdoing it. I've got a 5 and a 6, and I'll try to not go above a 6 and 7, but preferably no more than two 6s.
So that's about 27 miles so far plus another 12 or so this week. If I could run the marathon during the course of a couple of days, I'd be all set!

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